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Thirty years ago I picked up an airbrush when finishing a commission, and haven’t put it down since. Back in those days I was a “Professional” student switching from major to major. During this ten year search I acquired a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture from Cal Poly SLO, as well as Associate degrees in Aero Engineeing, Music, and Computer Science. I even studied for a year in Firenze, Italy searching for that one passion that would inspire me in life. Ironically the inspiration was in front of me the entire time as my primary tool to finance my University career: Art, and Airbrushing.

Today I run the Air Syndicate Studio in Bakersfied, California, as well as work with Kal Koncepts as the head artist/designer. I am the author of the best selling “Automotive Cheap Tricks & Special FX” books, and have produced more than 25 instructional videos, as well as over 350 step-by-step feature articles for such magazines as Hot Rod, Truckin, Lowrider, and Airbrush Action, to name a few. I have created automotive workshop curriculums, developed creative products, and have taught the fineart of Kustom Painting worldwide for twenty of my past 30 years airbrushing.

I appreciate your support in visiting my site. I will be posting on my blog those things that I have a passion for and hold dear to my heart. Namely my family, Art, Education, Airbrushing, and the experiences I have gone through along this jouney.

It is my hope you will become a part of this new journey I am embarking on, not just by visiting and reading, but also by commenting on my blogs, posted works, and videos I will be posting along the way. I will be posting 1-3 times per week, on topics concerning the Kustom Paint industry, Education, Fineart, and life in general. In short, what I am currently dealing with in the shop, and in my own life, as well as the past experiences that have defined me.

I’m looking forward to sharing this site with you, and helping people take the next step in their creative future.

Craig Fraser



Craig Fraser



Craig Fraser

Episode G5


Craig Fraser



Craig Fraser



Craig Fraser

Friday the 501st


Craig Fraser

it’s Alive


Craig Fraser



Craig Fraser


Call for Price


Craig Fraser

Skywalker BBQ


Craig Fraser

The Last Banana


Craig Fraser

Tin man


Craig Fraser

